The AutoRing is a simple device on the face of it, albeit a very powerful one. It’s a connected dash-cam that combats vehicle theft as it’s happening.
You have the AutoRing Device to mount inside your vehicle and an accompanying unique key fob.
1 – Shock and Passive Infrared Sensors Detect When Your Vehicle is Broken Into
Modern thieves use relay theft which can trick the vehicle into believing the key is present, which allows the door to be opened. This type of theft is becoming more popular as it doesn’t damage the vehicle.
Whatever method the thieves use to break-in to your vehicle, the AutoRing will sense any unnatural movement and alert you immediately.
2 – Images of The Intruder are Captured and Uploaded
A series of high-definition images of the intruder are silently captured and uploaded to the cloud, in both day and night conditions. Your car doesn’t need to have a continuous Wi-Fi connection for this to work, as the AutoRing uses a global mobile data connection.
3 – The Owner Gets Notified Instantly and Can Track The Vehicle in Real Time
The accompanying AutoRing app notifies you instantly when anyone but you enters or moves your car. The GPS tracker in the AutoRing allows you to track your vehicle in real time, and this can help accurately direct law enforcement to your vehicle soon as possible. Wherever you are in the world, whether at home or away on holiday. You’ll be alerted about the attempted theft via a call, text and notification from the AutoRing app.
75% of stolen cars are never recovered, the sooner the theft
is reported the higher the chance of recovery.
With thousands of worldwide car thefts happening EVERY DAY. We can make sure millions of car owners are able to combat auto theft.